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by Nicolas Aubagnac

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Bienvenue à Venise !
Septembre 2024
I’m proud to be taking part in HOMO FABER 2024 with a master piece, the precious cabinet called “Sinan”. Sinan is currently on show in the sumptuous spaces of the San Giorgio Maggiore Monastery, home to the Giorgio Cini Foundation.
It's as if it were suddenly obvious to discover the Sinan cabinet in this context, which highlights an essential aspect of my profession as designer : each object is the combined sum of a feat of the mind and the hand, the ferment of which is the exceptional cultural heritage of which we are the fortunate custodians.
HOMO FABER, du 1er au 30 septembre 2024.
Fondation Giorgio Cini, Venise
French craft collective
Mai 2024
Very nice day of meetings with British design offices at the Residence of the French Ambassador in London. French know-how is still very popular on the other side of the Channel.
The French design is particularly honored during the CRAFT WEEK in London. An exceptional day organized by Business France to connect the most prominent decorators of the British capital with an accurate selection of French companies dedicated to the Art of Living and the artistic craft.
Nicolas Aubagnac au Mobilier National
du 11 octobre 2023 au 7 janvier 2024
Exhibition at the Galerie des Gobelins of furniture that have been transformed by 39 artists chosen by the Mobilier National.
Nicolas Aubagnac has chosen a chest of drawer.
Come and discover its new finery...
Galerie des Gobelin, 42 Av. des Gobelins, 75013 Paris
Nicolas Aubagnac X Pouenat 20th anniversary
jeudi 7 septembre 2023
Présentation de la lampe EOLE de Nicolas Aubagnac lors du Cocktail Anniversaire de Pouenat
Pouenat Gallery | 22 rue passage Dauphine, 75006 Paris
18h - 21h
French Craft Collective London 2023
10 mai 2023
A very nice day of meetings with British Interior designers at the French Institute in London. The French know-how is still very popular among UK international clients !
PAD Paris 2022
du 6 au 10 avril 2022
Nicolas Aubagnac, une signature intemporelle au PAD

Cette année, le PAD Paris accueillera des œuvres de Nicolas Aubagnac sur les stands de trois galeries réputées :
Sur le stand de la Galerie Marcilhac (Stand 41), spécialiste des grandes signatures des années 30 et 40, vous découvrirez une collection inédite de mobilier en bronze et pierre dessinée en exclusivité pour Felix Marcilhac.
Sur le stand de Lucas Ratton (Stand 68), grand marchand dédié aux arts primitifs vous découvrirez un tapis exceptionnel en laine de Shiraz.
Sur le stand de la Galerie Sarto (Stand 19), vous découvrirez une console architecturale et une lampe « bijou » accompagnant un ensemble de rares dessins animaliers de l’artiste Jacques Cartier.
16 mars - 16 mai 2022
Du 16 mars au 16 mai 2022, la Galerie OAK / ONEOFAKIND présente l’exposition FIAT LUX. Dans son appartement-galerie à Toulouse, Antoine Vignault met en scène les meubles et luminaires aux formes géométriques de Nicolas Aubagnac au côté des céramiques contemporaines de Pierre Casenove. Les murs sont habillés par une sélection de photographies de vestiges du passé capturés par l’objectif de Ferrante Ferranti.
La Galerie OAK vous accueille sur rendez-vous uniquement au 8 Allée Frédéric Mistral à Toulouse.
September 23 - October 8, 2021
For their first collaboration, Galerie OAK, the interior designer Nicolas Aubagnac, the photographer Ferranti and the jewlry designer Gabriela Sismann, will exhibit in the beautiful Villa Capeyron Blanc in Mérignac, near Bordeaux
REGARDS D'ESTHETES, Villa Capeyron Blanc, Mérignac
septembre 2020
Exhibition at Galerie SARTO
3 rue Solferino - Paris 6
Palace life
Août 2020
Created by Nicolas Aubagnac, the LUNA standing lamp has been chosen to ornament the reception room of the French Ambassy in Lisbon, in the historical Abrantes Palace.
HAUTE FACTURE | reporté | postponed
New dates to be communicated as soon as possible
Exposition à la galerie JOYCE
Babylone lamp, Egée console and Saturne rug
Tapestry by Daniel Riberzani @galerie-chevalier.com
Paris Design Week
5 - 14 of September
cocktail on September 12th, from 6.30 pm
the rug collections designed by Nicolas Aubagnac
are exhibited in the PINTON showroom
71 rue du Cherche Midi | 75006 Paris
Exposition | Entre art, sculpture et design
from May 9th to May 31th, 2019
Nicolas Aubagnac for Haute Facture and the French Design by VIA
120 avenue Ledru Rollin | 75011 Paris
Haute Facture
26 mars - 6 avril 2019
Exposition à la galerie JOYCE
L'art et la matière
Save the date | 14 mars 2019
à partir de 18h30
Présentation des nouvelles collections dessinée par Nicolas Aubagnac pour PINTON
SHOWROOM PINTON | 71 rue du Cherche-Midi | 75006 Paris
From the 14th to the 19th March, 2019
Nicolas Aubagnac on the booth of Galerie Scène Ouverte
3.10 | 3rd floor
De la ligne à l'horizon...
Exhibition of recent creations from Nicolas Aubagnac and Olivier Masmonteil until February 23rd, 2019
Laurence Bonnel presents a dialogue between design and painting
first floor of the "Allenothèque"
Galerie SCENE OUVERTE by Laurence Bonnel
from November 22nd, 2018 | 6.00 pm
exhibition FORMES et MATIERES : Nicolas Aubagnac presents two of its latest creations
Beaupassage, 53-57 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris
The Salon Art & Design, New York
From November 8th to 12th, 2018
Discover exclusive creations of Nicolas Aubagnac on the booths of Maison Gerard and Twenty-First Gallery
Vente Sotheby's
October 30-31, 2018
From one home to another
Great auction result for a paire of Darius lamps bought by Pierre Bergé and Yves Saint Laurent for the Mabrouka, their Tanger villa
From October 4th to October 13th, 2018
Exhibition at Galerie JOYCE | Jardins du Palais Royal | Paris
Arts décoratifs et arts du feu
Salone del Mobile Milano
April 17 - 22, 2018
Nicolas Aubagnac as created the Magellan rug for Les Ateliers Pinton.
This new creation will be presented for the first time at the Salone del Mobile, Milano.
Booth G12
Télématin | France 2
5 mars 2018
Lumière sur un savoir-faire français
Nicolas Aubagnac et Jean Delisle interviewés par Sylvie Adigard
until April 8th, 2018
the new collections of Nicolas Aubagnac for Delisle
Hôtel de Carnillac | 4 rue du Parc Royal | 75003 Paris
by appointment on 01 42 72 06 92
Nicolas Aubagnac est nominé pour les Talents du Luxe 2018!
30 janvier 2018
Le Centre du Luxe et de la Création sélectionne chaque année des créateurs talentueux : parfumeurs, designer, joailliers, couturiers...
Les prix seront dévoilés lors d'une prestigieuse soirée de gala, le 30 janvier prochain au Cercle de l'Union Interalliée à Paris
Anniversaire Galerie Pierre-Alain Challier
From 16 | 12 | 2017 to 13 |01 |2018
Pierre-Alain Challier gallery is celebrating its 10th anniversary with an exhibition arranged as a contemporary curiosity cabinet where Pierre-Alain has mixed different creations from the artists he represents.
Three of my creations have joined this exclusive selection displayed with a studied nonchalence.
The gallery will be closed between December 24th and January 1st, 2018
The Salon New York 2017
9 | 13th November 2017
Booth Twenty-First Gallery
Helios coffee table and Dürer lamp
le "best of " de l'exposition nicolas aubagnac | 20 ans...
until September 23, 2017 | 11 am to 7 pm
discover the photos of the exhibition
Exposition anniversaire
from the 8th to the 23rd of September 2017
Nicolas Aubagnac will celebrate 20 years of creations
an amazing exhibition in progress...
Salon Révélations 2017
May 3-8, 2017
booth H1
AD Collections
du 24 mars au 2 avril 2017
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
AD Collections 2016
March 2016
Matières et Motifs
Decembre 1, 2015 - January 29, 2016
exhibition of new creations by Nicolas Aubagnac
Galerie Chevalier | 17 quai Voltaire, Paris
Trames d'Orient
March 20 - April 11, 2015
AD Collections 2015
March 2015
French Foreign office
Quai d'Orsay, Paris
Vente Christie's
4 November 2014
the Collection of David Collins
Exposition Nicolas Aubagnac
September 11 - October 4, 2014
exhibition of new creations
Galerie Chevalier | 17 quai Voltaire, Paris
March 22 - 28, 2013
exhibition of recent work
jardins du Palais Royal | Paris 1er
Pavillon des Arts et du Design
March 30 - April 3, 2011
jardin des Tuileries - Paris